Monday, February 28, 2011

news article

New island found
Monday, February 28, 2011

Explorer and scientist, Taylyn, Esmay discovered a new island 4 month ago and have started studying the new and bazaar animals found on it! Some of the animals found there are, purple flying elephants with green poke dots, and yellow and blue monkeys, yes those are some bazaar animals, but the plants there are just as bazaar, if not more. Taylyn, Esmay says, “It’s the most beautiful place in the world!” She also said, “I can’t take all the credit. I may have led the expedition, but my partners played a big part in it to!” Her partners are `Pip, Dreams,’ `Rose/Rosie, Flute,’ `Alice, Mae,’ and `Kyle, Dare!’

When testing the area they found a high oxygen content, and rich fertile soil. The team signed a form that indicates the entire island be protected from land development of any kind. Although they are all going to live there for the next couple years. The only foreign objects that will be brought are equipment to study the island and food until they can determine what on the island is edible.

They say there even going to build there shelter out of supplies found on the island. They also say that there is a high possibility of the land being rich in gold, diamonds, and other precious gems, but Pip, and Taylyn say, “We don’t care about the money or the gems. We think that the land, and the knowledge it will provide us is worth a lot more, and that is why we marked this island untouchable by development of any kind!” The rest of the team agreed, and they all say that they will defend the island ageist anyone who tries to build on or destroy the land!

They have already fought and won ageist 7-10 land developers/ miners! Even some zoo owners/poachers have tried to get to the island and smuggle out animals, but due to the massive amounts of magnetite in the ground planes and boats can’t get very close without tracking, and electronics failing! Taylyn and her crew are using special equipment that is designed to be used around magnetite!

So far they have found 16 new species, each with their own animal group, 56 new animals in an existing group, 105 new types of plants, 10 new types of rocks/minerals, 7 animals with prehistoric characteristics, and 236 new types of insects. The team will continue to study the life on the island, and learn more about the land!

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